![]() This blog is not to dismiss the role of pastors, teachers, evangelist, prophets or apostles that are, by God’s order, sent to equip the church according to Ephesians 4:11. It is to express that at some point we must learn to get our own food. Is this not what the equipping is all about? Spiritual food is what I am referring to. We go for natural goals very easy. We don’t wait for someone to constantly tell us what to do to get ahead, make money, improve life, etc. We further our education, set career goals and do a host of other things to progress naturally. But when it comes to spiritual things, too many times we wait for the Sunday feeding and that is the extent of our spiritual ingestion. In writing this blog, I want to say, “Get Your Own Food!” Food is the natural sustenance for survival. No one will survive on one meal a week. The result would be a tremendous loss of weight and bodily organs will begin to function improperly. Who can eat one time a week and be healthy and strong? Please respond to this blog and let me know. I do not believe the Lord designed the gathering of the church for his people to depend on a “weekly feeding” - eating one day a week and that is all the spiritual food until the next week. It is not his intention that we wait until Sunday morning to read the word, hear the word, sing unto Him new song, lift our hands, pray or worship. For some, this is what they do and they are experiencing spiritual malnutrition. Daily we must feed on spiritual food that will bring spiritual health. In the natural, we may eat a certain food to better our health; for example, we may eat foods like oranges and kiwi, which are high in Vitamin C and helps strengthen our immune system during the winter months. This same concept applies to our spiritual health. We may be battling thoughts that are not clean. We need to feed on scriptures found in Romans 12:1; Philippians 4:8 and Colossians 3:2. This is just one example of how spiritual food will help create a spiritually healthy thought life and lifestyle.Recalling the recent scandals of church leaders, the fact remains that every individual must know the word of God for him/herself. Scandals are not new to the body of Christ. They have been and will continue to be. It is only evidence that no matter how high one may be or what title they carry, they are human and if they do not continue in the truth and put on and put off according to Colossians 3, they will follow the path of sin. With this said, we must be diligent to know truth. Or, we will be blind being led by the blind, falling into the ditch of lies. “Get Your Own Food!”
Today, many leaders with the ability to influence the masses for Jesus Christ are faltering in their ways and many do not see or know the falling way is right before them. They do not recognize that the leader has gone off the beaten path of life into the path of sin – deceiving and being deceived. They are inviting the masses to come and learn from teachers who do not believe in nor know Jesus Christ. Because of the lack of study, the error is unrealized. That the easy route is leading further and further from Christ, who will provide what’s necessary to make it in a world filled with sin. The conclusion of the whole matter is this. The book of Jude tells us about the day we are living in, which is not a new day on earth. It is only new to this generation. Jude warns us to watch and not ignore those who come into our love feasts (gatherings) speaking eloquently, yet they are deceivers. In II Timothy 3 Paul provides and adequate description of our day, but his admonishment was to continue in Christ. (Click here to read The Encouragement Newsletter “Continue”) One of the major things we are to do is remain true to Christ. Don’t listen to this new gospel that is taking the hearts of people by the droves and turning them from Christ. How can you and I remain true? Take responsibility for your own spiritual growth. Develop the ability to discern when even the most eloquent and convincing in speech is going off or is just off in their preaching, teaching, music, ministry, etc. - even when the masses are following. Do as Acts 2:40 - “Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners, "Save yourselves from this crooked generation!" “Get Your Own Food!” Comments are closed.
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November 2017